5 Foods you should avoid if you want a flat abdomen
Apart from the fact that they are full of sugar or sweeteners, juices are fattening. And the abdomen is the first victim. So that the first step you need to do to give you a flat abdomen is to overthrow with water. It is a another drink rich in calories empty. To make things, many drinks are mixed with fresh products (syrup). Apart from the fact that are rich in calories empty, that are stored in the body as fats, alcohol destroy muscle. Meat is rich in saturated fat - the worst of fats that you must avoid. They contribute to an increase in the levels of cholesterol, blocked arteries and heart disease to appear. Saturated fats are rich in calories, and therefore cause or fattening. Choose types of lean meat such as chicken and fish or do not eat meat at all. Sugar doesn't mean anything else than calories and it is not necessary in diet. Every time you consume food and drink sweet, like candy or drink tart, calories are quickly stored in the body as fats and are not burned immediately. Avoid any type of drink or food that have added sugar to the batter. Foods like pasta, crackers, bread from white flour does not have very little nutritional value, because they are processed. Also, many have added sugar and fat trans. They quickly delivers a sensation of satiety but this sensation disappears and it quickly. The result is that by the temptation to eat more than is greater.